Le contrôle des armes en Afrique francophone

(Le 26 mai 2006 au 18 juin 2006)

Gun Control in Francophone Africa

(May 26-June 18 2006)

de Melanie Lewis, Independence Institute 



Le but du gouvernement rwandais est d'êduquer le public aux dangers des armes et de dêsarmer les milices.[1]Rwanda n'achèvera jamais la paix sans ces deux pas, selon le gouvernement.[2]Actuellement, le gouvernement cherche des mêthodes pour imposer des sanctions plus efficacement sur les miliciens qui ne se dêsarment pas.[3]En outre, le gouvernement est en train d'imposer des rêgulations strictes pour obtenir un permis des armements et il continue d'encourager la reddition volontaire des armes.[4]Le 9 juin, le gouvernement à mis feu aux 1500 armes pour dêmontrer sa responsabilitê d'êliminer les armes lêgères.[5]


The Rwandan government is trying to educate the public about the dangers of guns and to disarm the militias. The government believes that without these steps, Rwanda will not be able to achieve peace. Currently, the government is trying to figure out more effective ways to impose sanctions on the militias who refuse to disarm. Furthermore, the government is beginning to impose strict laws for owning a gun and will also continue to encourage the voluntary surrender of arms. On June 9, the government set ablaze 1,500 small arms to demonstrate the commitment to eliminate small arms.

Côte d'Ivoire

Les cinq groupes rivaux principaux se sont mis d'accord de dêsarmer, commençant le 9 juin, un pas essentiel pour la rêunification du pays avant l'êlection prêsidentiel en octobre.[6]La possibilitê du dêsarmement national suivra.[7]Pourtant, le 8 juin les chefs miliciens ont retardê le dêsarmement en disant qu'ils avaient besoin de plus de temps pour augmenter la connaissance du procès.[8]En suite, les miliciens pro-gouvernementaux ont promis de commencer le dêsarmement le 16 juin.[9]Pourtant, le 16 juin, les miliciens n'ont pas apparu pour la cêrêmonie de dêsarmement.[10]

Ivory Coast

On April 8, the five principal rival groups agreed to disarm beginning June 8, an essential step for both the reunification of the nation and a successful election in October. Talks about the possibility of national disarmament were to follow. However, on June 9 the militia leaders postponed the disarmament, saying that they needed more time to increase awareness of the process. Then, they promised to start disarming on June 16. However, on this date the militias failed to show up for the disarmament ceremony.

Rêpublique Dêmocratique du Congo

Les premières êlections nationales depuis que le Congo a gagnê l'indêpendance de la Belgique en 1960 se passeront le 30 juillet et le gouvernement actuel essaie de dêsarmer les rebelles avant cet êvênement important.[11]Les miliciens dans le nord-est du pays doivent dêsarmer avant le 30 juin, selon un ultimatum de l'armêe nationale et la Mission des nations unies dans la Rêpublique Dêmocratique du Congo.[12]Si les miliciens dêsarment volontairement, ils recevront l'immunitê du gouvernement.[13]Par contre, si les membres de la milice ne dêsarment pas volontairement, l'armêe les dêsarmera par force.[14]En fait, il y a un si grand nombre des armes dans Pool (une rêgion dans le sud du Congo) qu'il est possible que les habitants n'aient pas la permission de participer dans les êlections lêgislatives en 2007.[15]Le nombre de membres dans une milice nouvelle, le Mouvement Rêvolutionnaire Congolaise, continue d'augmenter et les membres refusent de dêsarmer, bien qu'il est nêcessaire selon un traitêe de 2002.[16]

Democratic Republic of Congo

The first national elections since Congo gained independence from Belgium in 1960 will occur on July 30 and the current government is trying to disarm remaining rebel groups before this important date. The militias in the north-east part of the country must disarm by June 30, according to an ultimatum from the national army and the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. If they voluntarily disarm, the militia members will receive immunity from the government. However, if they do not disarm voluntarily, the army will disarm them by force. In fact, there are still so many guns in Pool (a southern region of Congo) that the region might be excluded from the country's 2007 legislative elections. Membership in a new militia group, the Congolese Revolutionary Movement, continues to grow and its members refuse to disarm, even though it is a provision of a 2004 treaty.


Le gouvernement burundais est en train de dêsarmer les civils à l'insistance de la Banque mondiale.[17]Il a commencê le procès de dêsarmer les individus qui possède des armes illêgaux, mais il est difficile à cause des guerres dans des pays environnant.[18]Les Forces nationales de libêration (FLN), le dernier group rebelle, ont signê un accord de cessez-le-feu avec le gouvernement. Avant, la menace implicite des attaques rebelles êtait la barrière la plus grande à la paix.[19]


The Burundian government is in the midst of disarming its civilians at the insistence of the World Bank. The disarmament of people who illegally possess firearms process has proved difficult, however, because of wars in surrounding countries. The National Liberation Front recently signed a cease-fire with the government. Before, the implied threat of rebel attacks was considered the biggest barrier to peace.

La Communautê êconomique des Etats d'Afrique de l'ouest (Cedeao)

Les membres de Cedeao ont dêcidê d'imposer des sanctions à n'importe quel membre qui ne se conforment pas aux nouvelles lois des armes lêgères.[20]Cet accord fournit une base lêgale pour le contrôle des armes.[21]Il limitera sêvèrement la possession des armes dans l'Afrique de l'ouest. Selon la convention, les membres doivent : prohiber les transactions des armes lêgères, contrôler la fabrication des armes, et construire une base de donnêes des propriêtaires des armes.[22]Un fabricant doit obtenir un permis pour fabriquer des armes. Un individu doit prouver que la possession d'une arme est nêcessaire.[23]Aussi, la convention demande que le gouvernement de chaque pays rêvise sa lêgislation nationale pour satisfaire les parties de la convention.[24]

The Economic Community of West-African States (ECOWAS)

The members of ECOWAS have decided to impose sanctions on any member who does not comply with the new Convention regarding small arms and light weapons. This accord provides a legal basis for strict gun-control in Western-Africa. It will severely limit the possession of arms. According to the Convention, all members must: prohibit transactions of firearms, control the manufacture of arms, and construct an arms-owner database. Manufacturers must obtain a permit to produce arms while individuals must prove that they have a need for a gun before they are allowed to purchase one. The Convention also demands that the government in each country revise and update legislation so it complies with all parts of the accord.


[1]See Recommendations of the joint Rwandan Government/Civil Society Workshop on the UN Review Conference on UNPoA, May 25, 2006, http://www.iansa.org/control_arms/100days/documents/RwandanCivilSociety.pdf

[2] Id.

[3] See Great Lakes: US envoy in talks over "negative forces,"IRINNews.org, May 26, 2006   http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=53559&SelectRegion=Great_Lakes&SelectCountry=Great%20Lakes

[4] See Rwanda: Act on Illicit Firearms-Civil Society, AllAfrica.com, May 30, 2006 http://allafrica.com/stories/200605311040.html

[5] See Rwanda: Govt to Destroy 1,500 Firearms,AllAfrica.com, May 27, 2006 http://allafrica.com/stories/200605300515.html

[6]See Political Rivals In Ivory Coast Reach a Deal New York Times. (Late Edition (East Coast)). New York, N.Y.: Apr 9, 2006. pg. 1.23.

[7] See Peter Murphy, Ivorian Disarmament Plan Delayed,Independent Online, June 8, 2006, http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=86&art_id=qw1149714905584B216

[8] See UN Mission Delays Start of Disarmament in Côte d'Ivoire, UN News Centre, June 9, 2006, http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=18808&Cr=ivoire&Cr1=

[9]See Peter Murphy, Ivory Coast Militias set New Disarmament Date, Reuters, June 8, 2006, http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L08250510.htm

[10] See Côte d'Ivoire: Militias Fail to Show for Disarmament,IRINNews.org, June 16, 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=54001&SelectRegion=West_Africa

[12] See DRC: New Disarmament Deadline, Amnesty Offer for Militia,IRINNews.org, June 15, 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/report.asp?ReportID=53961&SelectRegion=Great_Lakes&SelectCountry=DRC

[15]See Congo: Small Arms Continue to Threaten Political Transition and National Stability, IRINNews.org, May 2006, http://www.irinnews.org/webspecials/small-arms/53227.asp

[16]See Anjan Sundaram, "We Cannot Have Elections Like This," Inter Press Service, May 29, 2006,  http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=33405

[17] See From Combatant to Civilian, The World Bank, Aug. 29, 2005,

[18] See Central and East Africa: Burundi, IANSA.org, http://www.iansa.org/regions/cafrica/cafrica.htm

[19] See Accord au Burundi entre le gouvernement et les rebelles du FLN, Le Monde, June 18, 2006, http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0,36-785001,0.html

[20] See West African arms transfers controls will be toughest in the world, Oxfam International, June 18, 2006, http://www.oxfam.org/en/news/pressreleases2006/pr060616_arms

[21] See Small Arms Convention at Last!!!, West Africa Action Network on Small Arms, June 14, 2006, http://www.iansa.org/regions/wafrica/documents/WAANSA-press-statement-14june06.pdf

[22] See ECOWAS Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials, IANSA.org, June 14, 2006, http://www.iansa.org/regions/wafrica/documents/CONVENTION-CEDEAO-ENGLISH.PDF 



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